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La flore cutanée de nos petites dégourdis

The skin flora of our little sting

The skin flora of our little sting

As Steward Brand says, if you don't like bacteria, you are on the wrong planet ... Did you know that half of our body cells come from microbes? Indeed, they are everywhere in our body throughout the evolution of the human species. They help us to absorb nutrients, impact our immune system, they can even act on our mood ... and still many other functions, but we do not yet know everything about this (very) little world. In this article, we will reveal the specialties and functions of all this life that there is on the surface of the skin of your little stingy.

The microbiota and skin microbiome 

Micro what? Do not panic, we explain: 

To start, the skin microbiota: these are all the microbes that live on the surface of our skin and that protect us. 

For example, this microbiota contains: bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even microscopic parasites. 

Indeed, it is a little afraid of knowing that we have so many people who live on our skin, but it is the "nice (all) small soldiers" who watch over our skin!

What about the other microphone thing then? 

The microbiome is like, it's true, but we will explain to you.

Then this other word: ‘Microbiome‘ simply designates all microbiotes and the environments where they live. 

The story of our skin microbiota

The birth of the microbiota

It all starts in the mother's belly, for 9 months the fetus develops under the protection of amniotic fluid.

Therefore, he (or she if you have passed the ultrasound of the 5th month) is in a sterile environment, the pH of the skin is therefore neutral. 

During the baby's visit to birth, he will get the mother's vaginal flora microbiota (we will save more details on the baby's "passage").

And this is how the skin microbiota of the skin of our very stretched skin begins to develop. 

For children born in cesarean, hospitals can for example apply a compress in the mother's vagina and wrap the infant with it to provide her with this microbial base. 

Unfortunately, sometimes, births by cesarean section can explain an immune fragility of newborns. 

Microbiota development 

Then, the pH of the child's skin evolves as it develops its skin microbiota to reach 5.5 around its 12 months. 

You are probably without knowing that breast milk has many virtues, especially that of strengthening the microbiome of babies. 

Indeed, mom's milk is naturally rich in prebiotics, which will help feed the bacterial flora of baby and its immune system. 

It is for this reason that many infant milk brands have added prebiotics to their formula. 

Each his microbiota 

And the sheep will be well kept! 

Joke apart from everyone's microbiota is absolutely unique.

It's a bit like our genetic code, or even more precise!

Imagine that the microbiota is connected to our lifestyle.

For example, if two real twins have radically different lifestyles: they will always have the same genetic code, but different microbiotes. 

The evolution of the microbiota

This microbiota evolves throughout life. 

Take the example of body odors: parents, you all have loved the feet of your babies lovingly. Would you still do it on your teenagers? 

Similarly, for the morning, the rooms smell good the sleep of love when they are small. We must admit that spending 13/14 years, we speak more of fawn or fennec than delicate little kittens ... 

The smells observed are the result of the work and the development of our microbiota. 

How does it evolve the microbiota? 

As we said, newborn has a simple microbiota, from 6 months their small body is starting to develop microbiota variability. 

It is between the age of 2 to 12 years that the microbiota varies and evolves the most, it is a very important phase in development.

Finally, the adult microbiota stabilizes. 


Ok, but what is the skin microbiota for?

Yes, we told you that it was thanks to him that you put discreetly pots in the Great's room, but the microbiota also has real super powers! 

Defend and protect our skin. 

When our skin is colonized by the good microbiota, billions of good microbes form like a shield. 

Suddenly, the villains microbes, responsible for diseases and infections, do not have the place to settle ... 

Regulate our immune system  

Finally, all these little people act as billions of small ‘vaccines’ by stimulating the immune system. 

They allow our body to react to their presence by making many antibodies! 

In short, if your little disgreen loves to roll in the earth, digging with bare hands in the mud, it is not so dramatic: it can even be beneficial! 

All the same: plan a good bath afterwards, just to keep the number of microbes at a reasonable level;) 

We hope that this article has illuminated you on the microbiota, if you have a remark, an opinion, a question: we are listening to cowcou@lilikiwi.fr 

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