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Choisir le bon cadeau de naissance

Choose the birth gift voucher

Choose the birth gift voucher

We will become parents! Soon we will be three! The family grows! This announcement of your friends, your brother/sister or cousin.e has upset your heart: a birth to come in your circle! The arrival of a new little baby that you intend to spoil as soon as he arrives and cajole as long as he wants. Do you plan to offer a birth gift, but what birth gift? And have you thought of other family members? Who often remain them to forget about the birth gift? Buy a birth gift to the baby, yes, everyone thinks about it, but enhance the place of each member of the home: it's better, right? In this article, we give you some avenues for reflection to make your choice and help you find the ideal birth.

For the baby: the birth list.

The most important thing when you give a birth gift is to try to respect the parents' wishes as much as possible.

woman couple announce pregnancy

Souvenir memory

Yes, even if it is their first child and you have five. Even if you feel like you have more experience and know what they need ...

Even if you want to do it, we know it. You have to think that new parents discover their new universe and their child, if not their first, they have a whole family life to rebalance.

All this with the energy and the relaxing nights that accompany the arrival of a newborn: remember to spare the sensitivities of each.

Remember the arrival of your little ones, you were certainly lost, but ultimately isn't it worse to receive a thousand and one advice from all?

If we do not know: we ask.

This is still the best way not to do any odds: ask what they want/need, consult the birth list if they have made one.

You have no idea what a baby may well need, you dare not ask for future parents? Ask other parents around you, or in a specialized childcare store.

Especially, if you intend to buy something slightly bulky: ask for advice on future parents ...

Episode Friends Gorille Géant Gift Birth Emma

And the siblings in all of this?

Seniors can feel destabilized from the arrival of a new child in the family, it is that he shakes up the order of things!

Depending on the age and its involvement in pregnancy, the big brother (or big sister) is not necessarily delighted with this birth ...

For a big brother or a really big sister

If the age difference is important, the elder does not have so much difficulty understanding the situation. It is nevertheless important not to forget them with a little pleasure gift for them. We avoid offering a "false gift": a blanket or something for the newcomer ...

The idea is to enhance their individuality in the family and show them that they are not forgotten, in particular at certain sensitive ages (adolescence for example, which is already a difficult course and that the arrival of a new family member can complicate more…).

teenager blasé on the phone

For a little one who became a big brother or a big sister

When the big ones are not that big, it is important to reassure them in their place in siblings and to help them understand what is going on.

For example, we will avoid throwing ourselves on the newborn and having eyes only for the baby: you have to enhance the new role "what is cute your little brother" "So you I present the baby? ”.

A nice book on the arrival of a little brother or a little sister may be an excellent idea to help them better appropriate the situation.

A Care products set ludo-educational hygiene can be a good idea. Usable from birth, Lilikiwi products allow a real emancipation of the small large and can allow it to participate in hygiene rituals in a more autonomous way.

Recomposed families

In the case of blended families, we can sometimes have a number of brothers and sisters to spoil ... The idea is obviously not to spend your salary as a birth gift.

And yet, often these families have experienced many twists and turns: the separation of parents, the arrival of a new partner/companion with or without his children ...

And even if the arrival of a child is absolute happiness, it can bring difficulties for the elders who are not necessarily very comfortable in this new family construction.

A small attention, even very simple and therefore inexpensive, can quite suit the nod to the big people of the family and reassure everyone in their place in a large family.

We don't forget the mom!

Birth gifts are made to celebrate a birth, yes and during a birth, we are obviously talking about the arrival of a baby, but let's not forget that it is also the birth of a mother.

Young mother in post partum

It is important to replace in the context ...

With this paragraph, we do not say that we must forget the dads, but although we must not forget the mother who still had a fairly incredible experience.

For 9 months, the future mother is the center of the world: we compliment her, we pamper her, we take care of her ...

Overnight, after a more or less intense childbirth (even if everything goes well) it is physically bruised, psychologically upset, and the center of the world becomes the baby.

Indeed, seeing those around him parade around the brief and finding himself behind, the only one to observe all this can weigh heavy in the heart of a new mother ...

We take care of the mom and her, not the house ...

To allow the mom to feel supported and loved, it is essential to pay attention to her during the birth gift.

Please note, we are talking about attention for her: a new vacuum cleaner is not a birth gift appreciated by mothers who need to remember their own identity, not their pole in the home ...

Rather a little gem engraved to the baby's initials, a plant, a beautiful poster commemorating the new birth ...

A good book, or graphic novel around uninhibited maternity to allow it to feel less alone and to play down any difficulties with maternity.

Good care products, 100 % natural origin to take care of herself and her health. (Remember that pregnant, breastfeeding women have specific skin needs, there are many more or less serious aesthetic problems. We can't help but bring our cosmetologist strawberry?)?)

A massage can be a little delicate in the early days of childbirth, the body is transformed and it will not necessarily be comfortable.

Nice mixed family

Here you are, you are well referred to how to choose the best birth gift for this little diverting in the making and for your family. The main thing is to take advantage of all these little people, and above all: congratulations to the happy parents, welcome to this crazy adventure!

A question, a reaction? Papotons between more or less young parents on coucou@lilikiwi.fr

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