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Pourquoi avons-nous créé des produits de soins non-genrés pour les enfants ?

Why have we created non-generated care products for children?

Why have we created non-generated care products for children?

Girls are born in roses, boys in cabbage and they love pink and blue respectively ... You too do these nonsense seem to you from a while that those under 40 should not know? We agree with you, and we are not the only ones, the movement for gender equality has grown in recent years. And one of the key areas where this notion of gender is questioned is that of toys and childcare products. Indeed, one can wonder where is the interest of differentiating a product depending on whether it is intended for a boy or a girl? In this article, we explain why, through our brand, we fight against this toxic marketing process for our children.

What is gender education and its negative effects on young children?

Gender education refers to the idea that children are conditioned from an early age to comply with traditional standards and roles of gender. This is manifested by the distinction between activities, toys and products intended for boys and girls.

genre stereotype

This is called gender stereotypes. (A little in the style of those denounced in the introduction of this article: pink and princesses for girls, blue and small soldiers for boys.)

Unfortunately, this approach has negative consequences on young children.

Indeed, when children are raised in this perspective, this limits their freedom to explore and develop their personal interests. Girls are often encouraged to take an interest in domestic activities, dolls and soft colors, while boys are encouraged to take an interest in cars, sports and bright colors.

The consequences could translate as follows: a little boy who would not dare to register for dance or keep long hair, who could be deprived of the opportunity to develop his artistic talents or to feel comfortable in His personal expression.

Likewise, a little girl who would think that she is not strong enough for this or that sport could deprive himself of the opportunity to develop her self -confidence and discover new passions.

It is important to understand that each child is unique and has the right to express their personality without being constrained by expectations based on its gender. By offering children equal opportunities to explore different areas of interest, we promote their personal development and their development.

And gender marketing in all of this?

The definition of gender marketing is as follows:

It’s a marketing that consists in promoting products or services based on a principle of segmentation of genres. So to differentiate the products or services sold according to the target audience to which they are addressed based on a men/women separation.

Initially, our children are innocent, without prejudice. However, the use of gendered marketing may condition them to lock themselves in gender stereotypes.

Unreed cosmetic products:

Objectively, before puberty, the skin of a child, whether boy or girl, behaves identically.

Indeed, the hygiene of the intimate parts of girls requires the use of a product in neutral pH (therefore acid) well respected the microbiome of this fragile area.

It is therefore completely ridiculous to add this gender filter to cosmetic products for children.

Our approach to combating gender marketing:

Our mascots

We start with our mascots that you love: Lili and Kiwi!

Lili and Kiwi

Lili, the young mischievous, delicious, curious rhino who especially does not stop dreaming!

Kiwi, the little bird, calm, neat, and always attentive to the needs of others.

They are nothing without the other, and we thought them so that children can easily identify with them.

Our colors and packaging:

As you probably noticed, we made a fairly clear choice in terms of packaging colors ...

Pantone Lilikiwi

The coral: not really red, neither orange, nor pink ... A pretty, joyful light color that calls for laughter and the joys of childhood.

Water green: some see it green, other blue, what is on is that this color is provocative in good humor, serenity while being sparkling.

The shapes of our bottles either do not take up the classic codes of marketing like: no flowers, no trucks, a head-of-mort or small hearts.

Just bottles designed for ergonomics, with sympathetic and funny shapes, we have focused our choice on practicality and visually soft!

The perfumes/aromas of our products

And finally our perfumes! The cliché of marketing genre would like to use floral odors for girls, rather musk, wooded for boys.

We rather opted for vitamin smells that children recognize and especially without allergens.

Indeed, wooded or floral odors may contain molecules or active extracts that can cause allergic reactions.

Unlike the fruity smells which more generally contain esters which are much less active molecules.

Do not create a difference

Have you ever noticed how much a young child is constantly discovering? In the end, he marvels everything with new eyes. Prejudices and other stereotypes are often acquired through its environment.

Let us take for example a child in kindergarten who describes his classmate from dark skin using the color of his clothes rather than his skin.

By raising awareness among children from an early age to the importance of equality and respect, we help build a society more oriented towards understanding and acceptance of diversity.

Without forgetting that in adolescence, for example, the personality and the identity of our children will be quite jostled like this. It is therefore essential to offer them a secure and benevolent environment, where they can freely explore and express their individuality.

All equal children

In the end, it is essential to question gender stereotypes in all aspects of life, including care products.

By offering non-generated care products, we create a more inclusive and egalitarian world for all.

Allowing our children to grow up in confidence!

This article inspires you a question, a remark? Do not hesitate to write to us on coucou@lilikiwi.fr

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