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Acheter des produits bio vous permet d'éviter les conservateurs ?

Buying organic products allows you to avoid preservatives?

Buying organic products allows you to avoid preservatives?

Buying organic products allows you to avoid preservatives? Think again! The parabens, phenoxyethanol ... you necessarily know their names and their ugly reputation. But did you know that conservatives in organic certified cosmetics are also many controversies?

The Conservatives, Kézako?

The curator is "a substance which is exclusively or mainly intended to prevent the development of microorganisms in the cosmetic product". 

Conservatives used in cosmetic products contain water, because microbes need water to live. For a balm or an oil, preservatives are not necessary. As you know, cooking oil is not rotting. 

Without the Conservatives, cosmetics will become a nest of microbes and promote the growth of very bad bacteria and fungi. Contaminated products are extremely dangerous for children with a lower immune system. 

The curator kills microbes, but unfortunately, some preservatives also have a controversial effect on our health. The parabens, the phenoxyehthanol, put ...

Conservatives in organic products.

Of course, buying organic labeled cosmetics can allow you to avoid the most controversial preservatives for your children. But think again, there are still risky substances!

Among the 59 conservatives authorized in Europe for all categories of cosmetics, only 5 are authorized in organic certified products. 

1. Salicylic acid (Inci: Salicylic Acid)

2. Sodium benzoate (Inci: sodium benzoate) 

3 potassium sorbate (Inci: potassium sorbate) 

4. Benzyl alcohol (Inci: Benzyl Alcohol) 

5. Dehydroacetic acid (Inci: Dehydroacetic Acid). 

And unfortunately they are all more or less controversial for our children, we explain:

Salicylic acid

It is forbidden to use it in children under 3 years of age in the European Union. In addition, it is not ethical, in our opinion, to use it in a child of 4 years either the age difference being thin, we do not judge the decline sufficient. 

Salicylic acid has its cousin benzyl salicylate are suspected of being an endocrine disruptor (1). And this year (2021), the European Health Authority is evaluating the safety of this family of molecules in cosmetic use. The result will be given in 2022 (the article)

Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate

We talk about these 2 conservatives because they are used together in cosmetic formulations. Potassium sorbate is secure for children. But it does not work alone, it must always be mixed with the sodium benzoate. The maximum use dosage is regulated, 2.5 % for rinsed products, 1.7 % for oral products, 0.5 % for non-rinsed products. 

The problem is that sodium benzoate is also used in sodas, drugs, cooked dishes, cosmetics. It is really everywhere.

The limit is therefore very easily exceeded for a child by combining all these products. 

Benzoate sodium overdose is dangerous for children, because this substance is neurotoxic and suspected of being linked to the hyperactivity of children (2).

Benzyl alcohol and dehyoacetic acid

Another combination that we often see in organic cosmetics, and especially DIY products, under the name of "Cosgard". Benzyl alcohol is a powerful allergen, among the 26 allergens known in Europe. 

Children's skin is fragile and fine. 

Allergens easily penetrate the skin barrier and confirm the unwanted immune responses. 

As for the level of dehydroacetic acid, it is irritating to the nose, mouth, eyes and respiratory tract, which is why it is prohibited to use it in aerosols or in sprays. 

Should we avoid all the conservatives?

For us, the answer is YES. It is for this reason that we have chosen not to add any to our products. However, the formulation of preservative products necessarily has a cost. But the health of our children is priceless, isn't it? 

We explain to you how we have managed this bet to make 100 % without preservatives in the next items, stay connected;). 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave us a message on our site or to contact us by email cuckoo@lilikiwi.fr. We will be happy to answer you quickly! 

(1) Natsch et al. A Critical Assembly of the Estrogenic Potency of Benzyl Salicylate. Toxicology Reports. Volume 8, 2021. Page 1002-1007.
(2) McCann et al. 2007. Food Additives and Hyperactive Behaviour in 3-Year-Old and 8/9 Year Old Children in the Community: A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial. The Lancet Volume 370, from 998, 3-9. Page 1560-1567.
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