Check the standard on the bottle
Return your bottle and look at its composition, these 3 standards must appear otherwise your product is not effective.
The standard EN1275: She indicates that gel kills mushrooms.
The EN1040 standard : She indicates that gel kills bacteria.
The standard EN14476 (+A1): She indicates that gel kills viruses. "A1" is specially dedicated to coronavirus.
Who can most, can the least: if the standards in 144476 or 14476 + A1 are present, it means that the product also destroys bacteria and mushrooms, but in the case of coronavirus, it is really this standard that interests us .
Check the composition of the frost
The alcohol content
Your gel must contain in theory between 70 % and 75 % alcohol (ethanol). Please note, very often on your bottle this indication is inscribed in volume: you will see the mention "ethanol65 % v/v" appear. In the event that the two letters V/V are, the percentage should not drop below 65 %.
Hydroalcoholic gel is a very volatile solvent and applied in large quantities, ethanol has a degreasing action on the skin. Given its hygroscopic properties, it absorbs water and leaves the skin dry and chapped. Using a gel very rich in glycerin or other glycols (propylene glycol, pentylene glycol, etc.) can counter these misdeeds. Glycerol, better known as glycerin, is naturally present in our body. It is also a source of energy for our body. Glycerin is obtained from saponification, that is to say the manufacture of soap. Glycerins can be of animal, oil or vegetable origin. Glycerin can retain its water weight several times which makes it an essential hydrating asset. Its role is to attract water from parts to high humidity to the parts with lower hygrometry. Basically, it attracts tap water to the skin. The properties of glycerin smooth the skin, improve its elasticity, normalize the design and soften it. Associated with the surgras of our products, it constitutes the ultimate protection of the skin of our loulous.
A very short formula
The more ingredients, the more risks there are. This rule is valid for all choices dedicated to children: 10 ingredients max.
Hydroalcoholic gel damages the skin barrier. The perfume very often contains allergens (see article allergens in care products). Perfumes and alcohols do not mix: alcohol facilitates the penetration of perfumes into the skin.
Thus, a gel containing perfume could cause contact dermatitis, and even cause more serious allergies.
Bad taste
In 2009, the ANSM brought back "248 cases of exposure to hydroalcoholic handwashing products that caused symptoms", most often in children under the age of 4. Two -thirds had ingested the product, causing burns in particular.
The same year, the Revue Prescrire had relayed the story of three girls from 2 to 4 years old, found in intoxication after swallowing such a solution!
It is recommended to use hydroalcoholic gels of bad taste rather to use aroma -based gels (lemon, strawberry, banana).
Did you know that alcohol is not effective against microorganisms? Some molecules are too. There are also alcohol -free disinfectants, generally based on lactic acid and accumulating many advantages. Indeed, they are softer for children's hands and can be composed of 100 % natural origin: Hygios -Disinfecting -up. They are therefore perfectly suited to children from 18 months. However, it should always be clearly verified that the product has the standard EN14476/EN 14476 A1.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send a message to our site or to contact us by email at: We will be happy to answer you quickly!